Lasting Power of Attorneys (LPA)

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Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a vital document that empowers you to make critical decisions regarding your well-being and financial affairs, even when you are unable to do so yourself. Let’s explore the significance of LPAs and why they are a cornerstone of your comprehensive estate plan.

Why are LPAs Essential?

Healthcare Decision Authority: With a Health and Welfare LPA, you designate someone you trust to make healthcare choices on your behalf, ensuring your values and preferences are respected, especially in critical situations.

Financial Security: A Property and Financial Affairs LPA empowers your chosen attorney to manage your financial matters, pay bills, and safeguard your assets when you cannot.

Avoiding Court of Protection: Without an LPA, your loved ones may need to go through a costly and time-consuming court process to manage your affairs. LPAs provide a smoother, more efficient solution.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have appointed someone you trust to act in your best interests brings peace of mind for you and your family.

Crucially, an LPA can only be registered while you still have mental capacity

We’re Here to Help

At Maple Wills, we understand the importance of LPAs in securing your future. Our expert team specializes in creating tailored LPAs that reflect your specific wishes and circumstances. We guide you through the entire process, ensuring your documents are legally sound and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.

Don’t wait to take this vital step in planning for your future. Contact us today, and let’s work together to empower your tomorrows with Lasting Power of Attorney. Your well-being and financial security are our top priorities.

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